Pac Man’s 40th Anniversary Inspires Innovative E-Book “Pac-Man Fever: The Story Behind the Unlikely 80’s Hit That Defined a World-Wide Craze”

Pac Man Fever BookMay marks 40 years since the Pac-Man video arcade game was released which would inspire the song, “Pac-Man Fever” by Jerry Buckner and Gary Garcia. Now Buckner, along with internet marketing guru and fellow musician Mike Stewart, have co-authored a book, Pac-Man Fever: The Story Behind the Unlikely 80’s Hit That Defined a World-Wide Craze on DME Publishing which is available in e-book or paperback via Amazon.

“It was the beginning of the video game era and our song really captured that moment in time,” says Buckner.
The song was featured in a special edition of People magazine spotlighted among the list of the “1,000 Greatest Moments in Pop Culture” (1974-2011). Online activity on the song is still very heavy. As of May 2020, there were over 11.3 million YouTube views for the Pac-Man Fever Eat Em’ Up video with about 6,000 new views each day. There are also numerous fan YouTube sites featuring “Pac-Man Fever” with millions of views.
The single became a pop culture sensation, showing up on popular television shows like The Simpsons, Family Guy, and South Park. The worldwide, million-selling gold record hit the Top 10 charts (in ’82) with its driving lyrics that began with, “I have a pocket full of quarters and I’m headed to the arcade.”
In the e-book version, both new and old Pac-Man fans alike will get downloads of the “Pac-Man Fever” music from the original album, the karaoke version of the song with the lyrics, sheet music, and an exclusive behind the scenes video content on how the song became the anthem for one of the most popular video games in history After all, the popular game Pac-Man, came from Japanese slang for “chomp”, and quickly ate up $1 billion in quarters in its first year. It also includes never before seen photos and links to videos and other exclusive multimedia content
“Digital music e-books are finally bringing back liner-notes that we all used to love with our vinyl albums,” says Buckner. “Yet, this is better because of all the enhanced media about the music we can provide to fans.”
“In light of the pandemic, the music industry is starting to come around to this idea,” says Stewart. “The basic premise is that a musician can now create a digital music e-book and sell their music on Amazon Kindle books for higher profits rather than through streaming or traditional download sites.”
Buckner and GarciaFor Buckner, who also produced the theme song “Wreck It, Wreck It Ralph” for the classic Disney movie, “Wreck It Ralph” in 2012 and “Theme to ‘WKRP in Cincinnati’” for the hit ’78-‘82 comedy T.V. sitcom, he hopes the timing is right for a revitalization of the breakthrough hit.
For more information, visit & stay tuned on May 22 at 12 p.m. EDT for a Live Stream 40th anniversary Pac Man Fever video event!
To purchase your copy of the book on Amazon, visit
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